Keeping your skills sharp with a VOC

Working in construction or any industry that requires handling heavy machinery or high risk operations, means keeping your skills not just sharp, but certified with a verification of competency. Let’s break down what VOCs are all about, who needs them, and what you can expect during the process.

What is verification of competency?

A Verification of Competency, or VOC, is essentially a check-up for your operational skills and safety knowledge. It’s an assessment of an operator’s ticket or previous training to ensure their current knowledge, skills and operation are up to par.

Generally, verification of competencies are requested for machines like excavators and skid steers that no longer require a high-risk work licence, but you could be asked to have a VOC on any type of machine or equipment depending on the site requirements.

Who needs a VOC assessment?

Usually, you’ll know if you need one, because you’ll be asked by your employer or job site to produce a VOC before you start operating.

If you’re job hunting or moving to another company and it’s been a few years since your initial qualification, we suggest getting a VOC to satisfy your new employer on your currency and safe operations.  

How often do you need to verify your competency?

How often you need a VOC can vary. Some places might want you to go through it every couple of years, others might have it lined up for you every time you jump onto a new project. It depends on the site’s safety rules.

What’s involved in the verification of competency assessment process?

Getting a VOC involves a theory test and a practical test to ensure your knowledge, skills and understanding are at an appropriate standard and up to date with any recent changes

Need to update your VOC?

Stay ahead in your field with up-to-date Verification of Competency assessments with Ascent. Enquire today!